Part 1

-Ruthudvipa where 6 seasons manifests for Bhagavan’s service. -Lila’s depends upon place & Krishna’s Lilas in different ages in different places until His tirobhava. Laghu Bhagavatamrta version after kurukshetra war. -Srila Visvanath Chakravarthypad gives the reason why Sukhadev Goswamipad didn’t take Srimati Radhika’s name & Gopis names. -About types of listeners. -Seasons description in Vraja in Bhagavatam.Jhulan Lila. -Srila Raghunath das goswami says Vrindavan is madhurya dham & everything is favourable for Krishna Lila. -About Navadvipa dham parikrama with Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaj. -Samudra ghat — Lila of Samudra Sena with Bhim Sena.Samudra comes to meet Ganga who is very fortunate. -Ganga & Yamuna in different Lilas.Ganga vs Yamuna debate in Akbars assembly & Srila Jiva Goswami’s conclusion. -About Champahati ghat & Champaka Latha. -Why did Jayadev Goswami kept aishwarya bhava in dasavatara stotra? -About Aishwarya bhava & Madhurya bhava -Kesava meaning in tattva vichar & in madhurya rasa vichar. -4 qualities of Dheer Lalitha Nayak not present in another avatar. -About Lila of Matsya avatara , Kurma avatara , Varaha avatar. -Gita Govinda is for rasik Vaishnavas only. Lakshmana sena , Govardhan in relation with Jayadev Goswamis Gita Govinda. -About vairagya , 5 types of mukti & sukha aishwarya & prema seva uttaram & final destination is Goloka Vrindavan.

Part 2

-Lakshmana Sena in disguise comes to listen to Jayadev goswamis Gita Govinda. -Srimati Radhika comes in Padmavathi form to listen the kirtan of Jayadev Goswami. -What is the mula of Gita Govindam? -About different types of Maan?What Krishna is doing to break the maan of Srimati Radhika. -Krishna comes in the form of Jayadev Goswami to write final sloka of Gita Govindam. -Swaroop Damodar ,Raya Ramananda used slokas from Vidyapathi Chandidasa,Jayadev Goswami books when Mahaprabhu is in viraha. -Jagannatha vallabha natakam – Raya Ramananda book. -Externally Mahaprabhu is crying but internally Mahaaprabhu is feeling ananda. -Sarvabhauma bhattacharya sthan, Vidyanagar ,Navya Nyaya in Mithili -Cobala – who is that girl by which Krishna is surprised? -Rupa madhurya of Srimati Radhika. -Why does Manjaris cover Srimati Radhika with karpoor?


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