-Kama vs Prema.
-If Krishna is compared with Sun then Kama is compared with darkness.
-Krishna’s desires are fulfilled by gopis here.
-Here is Krishna’s bhojansthali.
-Bhaumasara cave & Lila of Krishna killing Bhaumasara.
-Baladev prabhu’s lotus feet where He pressed the earth.
-Sakhas did bath here & this kunda is called Kshirsagar.
-Story of a princess in satya yuga becoming bhojan thali.
-Things that were done during Srila Paramagurudev at Bhojan sthali.
-Mansingh taking Thakurji’s 6 dieties after Aurangajeb’s attack.
-Ashta Kalina First Lila Nishanta Lila took place here.
-Lila of Gopis teasing Krishna whether He is Rama & asking to build bridge.
-Pandavas saving Duryodhana from Gandharva Chitrasena.
-Story of Durvasa Rshi sent to Pandavas in vanavas on request of Duryodhana.


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