Hindi: https://www.facebook.com/vanamadhuryamofficial/videos/740298651038715
English translation: https://www.facebook.com/vanamadhuryamofficial/videos/889617689000854
-Navadvipa-dhama is audarya-mayi-dhama and Vrindavana-dhama is madhurya-mayi-dhama
-Mahaprabhu is karuna-mayi
-Navadvipa-dhama is the abode for nava-vidha bhakti
-Vrindavana is covered with the net of maya
-Ganga-Bhagirathi did not want to leave Navadvipa-dhama
-We can understand Bhagavan and His Navadipa-dhama only through our ears not eyes
-Krishna gives prema within Vrindavana and Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives it outside Vrindavana
-Mahaprabhu took sannyasa by the curse of a brahmana


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