-Mahaprabhu meeting Rayaramananda on the banks of Godavari.
-Mahaprabhu & Rayaramananda expressing humility w.r.t each other.
-Bhagavan’s qualities in Mahaprabhu.
-By Mahaprabhu’s touch of lotus feet even the stones melts.
-Lila of an old lady climbing up Mahaprabhu’s shoulders to take Jagannatha darshan.
-Brahmins invitation to Mahaprabhu.
-Sadhak, Sadhana , Sadya.
-Foundation of bhakti is Varnashrama dharma.
-Mahaprabhu want to listen about jiva swaroop anubhandi vrutti.
-Every jiva has a swaroop & manifests its madhurya in sadhu sanga by guru,vaishnava kripa.
-Varna ashrama dharma willn’t help in getting swaroop anubhandi vrutti be manifested.
-Results of all activities to be offered to Bhagavan.
-What is actually meant by dharma.
-Srila BhaktiVinod Thakur gave about different rasas in different religions.
-Sanatana Dharma/Bhagavath dharma is to establish sakiyath bhava & parakiyath bhava


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