-Srila Raghunatha das Goswami giving shiksha as how to do Bhajan in raganuga marg.
-Nitya parikar tattva & about prema in their hearts.
-Vrajavasis in all of the activities remember Krishna.
-Raganuga Bhajan – Doing service Under Nitya siddha vrajavasi’s guidance to get bhava.
-When will ragatmika bhakta’s ray of their bhava reflect in their hearts?
-Srila Raghunatha das Goswami about how we should have relations towards Krishna.
-Without Giriraj Govardhan’s shelter we can’t get prema.
-Krishna’s beauty description & Gopis’ anxiety to have His darshan after cow herding & their curse to Brahmaji.
-Anurag 2 characteristics.
-Lila of Lalita devi asking Srimati Radhika about Krishna’s darshan.
-Madhurya in Hari Naam & Srila Rupa Goswami’s topmost description of it.
-Ikanthika Sraddha & Nishta for Vraja Prema.
-Story of a person being thirsty & others asking him questions but not water.
-3 main things needed to immerse in Shringar rasa.
-Sadhu’s association with baddha jivas.
-Lila of Srila Raghunath das goswami denying Krishna’s Kripa & hankering only for Srimati Radhika’s Kripa.
-Srila Raghunath das Goswami’s special place in vairagya.
-Importance of Srimati Radhika’s stava stuti.


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